Día de Los Muertos Annual Welding Competition

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Del Mar College Third Annual Welding Competition

Calling All Area Welders!

October 25, 2024

It’s time to “get fired up,” again! The Del Mar College (DMC) Welding Applied Technology Program is preparing for their Third Annual “Día De Los Muertos” Welding Competition on Friday, Oct. 25. Faculty organizers invite Coastal Bend high schools and college trades training students to “light their torches” and register for this year’s event.

Competition begins at 10:00 a.m. after check-in and a mandatory safety orientation. Competition runs throughout the day with a 6:30 p.m. awards ceremony. The event will be held on the College’s Windward Campus at 4101 Old Brownsville Rd. (78405) in the Welding Labs of the Metals Technology Building and the Workforce Development Center.

Get directions and online campus map.

Competition Information

Registration Deadline: October 11, 2024


All Traditional and Post Secondary Students scan the QR Code below to register, or click the link below.

Registration QR code

Online Registration Form - Traditional and Post Secondary Students

Competition Donation

Make a Donation

  • Contest Information

    • Time slots & details will be on the agenda printout.
    • The contest will be based on skill & confidence; participants will not know what material thickness or welding position until the day of.
    • NEW T-Joint Division:This division will be used to build confidence within our First-year students. We must be very clear as to who will be in this division. NEW FIRST YEAR students ONLY will be permitted to enter this division. We’ll be sending a print later so that students can look at the print, study the print, and build it to the print in the time allowed. Click here to view a copy of the print. Everyone will see which position was chosen once the print is sent out. Each student in this category will have the opportunity to take an AWS D9.1 1F Cert test.
    • Brother-In-Law Division (RIG Welding Style): This Division consists of a 2-person team. Each Team MUST provide a Gas- or Diesel-powered welding machine per welding participant. This means each team must have two welding machines. One per welding student. Each team must also provide Two (2) Jack Stands and a small table that could possibly hold a 20” pipe in a 2G position. Each team will do one of two welds that will be determined the day of. It will either be a 2G or a 5G weld. Del Mar College will provide the fixture for the 5G weld that will be placed on the jack stands. Anyone that participates in this division can ONLY DO this division. Participants CAN’T be in another division because this division will be going on at the same time as the others. DECISIONS…. DECISIONS!! ** This Will NOT be API (downhill) PLEASE bring all the tools you think you’ll need. You can share all tools but NOT welding machines. These members do not have to be from the same school BUT do have to be registered in a high school welding program. Leads must be a minimum of 50’feet for spacing.
    • Weld Process and procedures will be discussed in detail on the day of during Safety Briefing.


  • Rules for Registration

    • Registration will be online. Fill out a registration form above.
    • Prior to checking in, all participants must be registered online.
    • Registration fee:
      • $25.00 per High School Student in all divisions
      • $25.00 per High School Student (Brother-in-law) $50.00 per Team
      • $25.00 per Traditional Student
    • Payment Donation Due as soon as possible: SCHOOL CHECKS ONLY. Please make all checks payable to Del Mar College Foundation (NO CASH will be accepted.) We DO have a payment option on the online registration form. If NOT, please refer to what's highlighted. Traditional students do have a Money order option, but online payment is preferred. All payments must be in by Deadline: 10/11/2024.
    • High Schools: 20 students PER high school - NOT per instructor.The way this will work is as follows: You only have a 5 welder MAX for pipe and the rest of the 15 welders can mix and match. EXAMPLE: 10 T-Joint, 5 Plate (15) or 3 T-Joints 12 Plate (15). I trust you all can take it from here. Grand total of 20 Welders per school. Keep in mind - please do not leave out your first year students because you have this decision. This is what we would like to see- 5 T-Joints and 10 Plate. This also does not include your Brother-in-law welders. All students must have a Parental Consent form filled out for check in. Anybody outside of CCISD, please contact Samuel Garcia at sgarcia171@delmar.edu.
    • High School: Students have the right to move up in skill set (level), but cannot move down. (Example: if a student is enrolled in a pipe course the student cannot be welding in the plate division.) This goes for Non Dual Credit Students as well.
    • High School Students MUST show proof of current enrollment in their school's welding program, but not necessarily be a Del Mar College Dual Credit student. (Provide a current schedule print out if you WIN.)
    • Traditional post-secondary students: No Limit on Entries and students MUST be enrolled in a Welding Program, such as Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend, South Texas Vocational Technical Institute, Southern Careers Institute, Blue Diamond and Coastal Bend College. Student must have Consent form filled out for check in. (School Schedule print out of current semester enrollment if you WIN.)

    For additional information please contact Sam Garcia via email at sgarcia171@delmar.edu

  • Welding Categories

    • Dual Credit/High School T-Joints SMAW
    • Dual Credit/High School Plate SMAW
    • Dual Credit/High School Pipe SMAW
    • Traditional students Pipe SMAW
    • Traditional students' Pipe - combo GTAW/SMAW
    • Brother-In-Law High School pipe SMAW (10 contestant limit) First Come First Serve so Please Read Contest info first.
  • Minimum Tools Required

    Minimum tools required for each contestant:

    • NO Sharing Tools
    • Chipping hammer
    • Wire brush
    • Vise grip pliers or adjustable pliers
    • Adjustable wrench
    • 4”- ½” Grinder (Must have guard and handle with no cuts or tape on the cord)
    • GTAW will need to provide your own Tig Rig & Stinger

    **Students who do not have the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will not be allowed to compete. Also, if any student gets caught using any tools or equipment that do not meet safety standards will be Disqualified.**

  • Safety PPE/Equipment

    Safety will be monitored throughout the competition; students who do not follow safety procedures outlined in the orientation will be disqualified & asked to leave the welding area.

    The welder must provide the following safety gear to participate in the competition. In addition, all equipment/PPE MUST be checked for and defects by your School Instructor prier to bringing to the competition.

    • Safety glasses ANSI Z87
    • Ear plugs (Del Mar provides)
    • Welding helmet (No Cracks)
    • Welding gloves (NO HOLES)
    • Welding jacket or 100% cotton long sleeve shirt
    • Jeans/long pants (No frayed, torn shirts or jeans will be allowed)
    • Leather work boots/leather shoes (Steel Toe & Safety Toe highly recommended)

    **Students who do not have the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will not be allowed to compete. Also, if any student gets caught using any tools or equipment that do not meet safety standards will be Disqualified.**

  • Instructors, Guests & Non-Competing Students

    • Everyone not competing in the contest must stay in the designated areas during the event. (Designated areas will be assigned on the day of the event.)
    • Any non-competing student, guest or instructor attempting to assist a contestant after the start of the event will risk having the contestant disqualified.
    • Once a student is finished with their welding piece, they are considered a non-competing student & are subject to the same rules as non-competitors.
    • Students, guests, & Instructors not competing in the event will not be allowed to view the welded coupons until all judges have turned in their score cards & the contest is complete.
  • Contest Judging

    • Judges will be monitoring their division making sure each contestant is following the safety & welding instructions provided to them during the orientation. Failure to follow instructions could result in point deductions or disqualification.
    • A visual examination of each finished coupon will be conducted by the judges assigned to their specific weld division. All judges are professionals in the welding industry.
    • All judging criteria will be based on AWS (American Welding Society) specifications & standards.
    • VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: We want this competition to be one of best competitions around and we WILL keep these welds to Industry standards. If no one meets AWS visual standards in any division we WILL NOT grant anyone a prize in that division.

    NOTE for all Instructors: Keep in mind that this is a Dual Credit Competition, please take into consideration giving your Dual Credit students the chance to participate first. Our goal is to inspire students to join our DC programs.

  • Agenda

    Time Dual Credit/High School T-Joints
    DC/HS Brother-in-Law PIPE
    DUAL Credit/High School Plate
    Dual Credit High School Pipe
    Traditional Post-Secondary Pipe
    Traditional Post-Secondary Combo
    10:00 AM
    10:30 AM
    10:50 AM
    11:00 AM
    11:30 AM
    11:31 AM
    Ready up (Head to Booths)
    blank blank
    11:50 AM blank
    There are two time slots for this event because if the other categories finish early, we can start earlier.
    12:00 PM Begin Welding (First Arc) (W1) blank
    DC/HS T-Joints 1 Hr. (W1) blank
    DC/HS Bro-In-Law 4 Hrs. (BL) blank blank
    1:00 PM DC/HS T-Joints STOP Ready Up blank
    1:30 PM
    Begin Welding Plate (W1)/Pipe (W2)
    2:00 PM blank blank
    2:30 PM
    Dual Credit/High School T-Joints ONLY ** Will be testing throughout the day for AWS 1F D9.1** W1 Location
    (W1) DC/HS Plate STOPS blank
    3:00 PM blank Ready Up (W1)
    3:30 PM blank (W2) DC/HS Pipe STOPS Begin Welding Pipe/Pipe Combo
    4:00 PM blank blank Begin Welding Pipe/Pipe Combo
    5:30 PM ?? Pipe/Pipe Combo STOP
    6:00 PM ?? Pipe/Pipe Combo STOP
    4:00 PM - ??
    Weld Testing
    6:30 PM
    Award Ceremony
    *Note: Times are subject to change depending on the amount of participants entering the competition

    Map Legend (Please refer to map):

    • MT = Metals Technology Building
    • * - Vendor Location (in bold and parenthesis)
    • BL = Brother-in-Law
    • MOS = Madatory Safety Orientation
    • W1 = Weld Shop 1
    • W2 = Weld Shop 2

Location Map

Del Mar College Windward Campus (Map)
4101 Old Brownsville Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Parking available in front of Workforce Development Center, Airport Road,
or behind Metals Technology Building, Santa Elena Street
Check In and Drop Off at Metals Technology Building, Santa Elena Street

Map of Del Mar College Windward Campus showing competition locations, available parking, and check-in areas.