APA References
APA References
What is an APA References Page?
An APA References Page lists sources quoted, paraphrased, or summarized in the text or body of the paper at the end of the document. The reference list should provide all information necessary for readers to find the sources cited throughout the text.
Basic APA References Page formatting guidelines:
- The title “References” should be centered and bolded at the top of the page
- Double line spacing for all text
- Page number, flush right, in the header
- One-inch margins on all sides of the page
- Left justify the text
- Reference entries should be put in alphabetical order
- Reference entries should all have a hanging indentation
- No extra space in between reference entries
- The URL or DOI can be left with blue font and an underline or as plain text without an underline
- The URL or DOI should only include a line break if the word-processing program does it automatically
- The URL or DOI can be moved to its own line if done by the word-processing program automatically
Note: Please check out the APA Sample References Page for an example.
Page last updated June 20, 2023.