Oso Creek Campus Facts
Oso Creek Campus Facts

- The Oso Creek Campus sits on a 96-acre tract of land at Yorktown Boulevard and Rodd Field Road on the southside of Corpus Christi. The project marks the first time in over 60 years that Del Mar College has built a new campus.
- Del Mar College District taxpayers approved a $139 million Capital Improvement Project bond referendum supporting construction of the Oso Creek Campus in November 2016.
- The architectural team of internationally recognized firm Gensler and local firm Turner Ramirez Architects designed the new campus with Fulton Construction and Coastcon jointly serving as the project contractor.
- The Oso Creek Campus features centers of excellence encompassing three areas of study: 1) Architecture and Drafting Technology; 2) Biology, Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing (bio- sciences) and 3) Hospitality and Culinary Arts.
- The Campus covers 249,544 square feet of building space and includes:
- Culinary Arts Building (59,561 sq. ft.) housing ultramodern teaching spaces including kitchen labs, a coffee shop, a public-accessible restaurant/dining facility to provide students with hands-on, real-world learning experience, and the Tres Grace Family Foundation Community Rooms.
- Main Central Building (80,437 sq. ft.) housing a library, student services, and a coffee shop.
- STEM Building (100,915 sq. ft.) housing the Architecture/Drafting Technology program and Biology, Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing programs with contemporary teaching spaces, laboratories and equipment, along with other STEM-related programs, including engineering.
- Central Plant (8,631 sq. ft.) as part of Physical Facilities operations.
- In addition to the centers of excellence, the Oso Creek Campus provides core courses for university transfer students along with dual credit, developmental, workforce training and Continuing Education courses.
- On Dec. 2, 2019, the College marked the beginning of a new era with a celebration at the Oso Creek site and unveiled the final campus design. The process of developing the infrastructure and laying the Central Plant foundation had begun in early Fall 2019.
- In early May 2022, construction of the Campus was 89 percent complete. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Building opened for limited classes in mid-July 2022.
- Both the STEM Building and Culinary Arts Building were fully operational by Aug. 29, 2022 - the beginning of the Fall 2022 semester.
- The Oso Creek Campus fully opened in mid-January 2023.
- The name of the campus comes from a rebranding initiative that began in 2021. Read about the initiative.
- Located on an “educational corridor” along Yorktown Boulevard, the Oso Creek Campus provides close access to four high schools –– Mary Carroll, Veterans Memorial, Flour Bluff and London –– and is only 15 minutes away from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and 30 minutes away from Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
- The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority operates two bus stops at the Oso Creek Campus.
- In February 2023, the City of Corpus Christi broke ground for their new Police Training Academy on nine acres of the Oso Creek Campus through an interlocal contract approved by the DMC Board of Regents and the Corpus Christi City Council.
Page last updated April 11, 2023.