Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and Organizations

Many leadership opportunities exist for you to pursue your special interests by joining one of the many Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus. All RSOs have the privilege of being represented in the Campus Organization Council, which acts as a coordinating agency for RSO activities. RSOs are registered with the Office of Student Leadership and Campus Life.


Departmental RSOs are organized to give you opportunities for self-expression and leadership in activities related to your major field of study.

  • Active Minds
  • Alpha Beta Gamma
  • Alpha Delta Nu Gamma Phi
  • Architecture, Construction and Tech Club
  • Aviation Maintenance Club
  • Child Development Early Childhood Club
  • Cosmetology Club
  • Dental Assistants Club - Furthers the education of the members in the field of dentistry as well as to promote the education of preventive dentistry to the general public.
  • Geoscience Society
  • Hospitality and Culinary Student Organization - HCSO
  • Industrial Process Technology Association - IPTA
  • Lambda Beta Honor Society
  • Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) National Honor Society
  • Legal Profession Association
  • Medical Laboratory Technology - MLT
  • Occupational Therapy - OTters, mOTivators
  • Phi Mu Alpha
  • Phi Sigma
  • Physical Therapy - Promotes the professional growth of the members and increases the awareness of the field of Physical Therapy.
  • Press Club - Promotes the journalism program at Del Mar College and provides an avenue for journalism, RTV and communications majors, and students interested in working in student publications to exchange ideas and goals.
  • Radiology Club - Rad Dragons, Skeleton Crew
  • Respiratory Therapy Club
  • RN Pinning Ceremony Club
  • Science Club
  • Science, Technology, Engineers, Math Majors Organization (STEMMO) - Guides and mentors students in science, engineering, and math, and provides a network and support system for students to gain information, form study groups, and socialize.
  • Student Art Association - Provides educational opportunities for art students through visits to art museums and galleries, student art competitions, and competitive portfolio scholarships. Other objectives include service to Del Mar, the Art Department, and the community.
  • Student Chapter American Dental Hygienist Association - Cultivates, promotes, and sustains the art and science of dental hygiene, represents and safeguards the common interest of the members of the dental hygiene profession, and contributes toward the improvement of the health of the public.
  • Student Nurses Association - Contributes to the nursing education in order to provide the highest quality of health care.
  • Welding Club
  • Wordwide Health Association

Special Interest

Special interest RSOs are organized to serve and to promote special interest areas for you such as governmental affairs, writing, physical and recreational activities, or religious groups.

  • Baptist Student Ministry - Provides students with opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and service to campus and community.
  • Board Gaming Club
  • DMC AAUW - Del Mar College American Association of University of Women
  • Hype Squad
  • Oasis Campus Ministries
  • Place
  • Safe Space
  • Social Dancing Club
  • Student Government Association (SGA) - Provides an efective student government and ensures the protection and promotion of student interests at Del Mar College.
  • Student Veterans Association
  • Texas Rising Students of Del Mar
  • Viking Barbecue Club
  • Viking Mentors
  • Viking Table Tennis
  • Viking Vibes
  • Vocal Vikings


Honorary RSOs sponsor activities that promote and encourage scholarship, leadership and fellowship among students. Your membership in honorary organizations is selective based on academic achievement. If you are not part of a recognized club and wish to conduct an activity on campus which contributes to the educational and cultural environment of the College, you must obtain permission at least two weeks in advance from the Interim Dean of Student Engagement and Retention or his/her designee. Approved requests will be scheduled at a time and location which will not interrupt other activities on campus.

Page last updated August 30, 2024.