Special Giving Pages
Special Giving Pages
Many supporters of Del Mar College create commemorative scholarships or managed funds for special projects that help Del Mar College and it's students. At times, a custom, online giving page is created where people can make contributions directly towards those scholarships and funds. Below are special giving pages, listed in the order of their creation.
You can view or donate to these online giving pages by clicking on LINK below each description. If you are interested in creating a scholarship or fund for a special project that supports Del Mar College and it’s students, please contact us at foundation@delmar.edu or 361-698-1317.

Your donation to the Del Mar College SBDC makes a meaningful impact on local small business owners and aspiring future entrepreneurs.
Small Business Development Center
The Viking Cat Assistance Team is a Del Mar College program designed to best care for the community cats on the Heritage Campus.
DMC Viking Cats Program
Help me support the DMC Culinary Arts department by contributing money for their chocolate making class supplies. Let’s keep this treat available!
Hope's Culinary Arts Fundraiser
Donate to DMC Drama and show your support for the cultural leaders of tomorrow, whose imagination is matched by their hard work and dedication.
Del Mar College Drama Program
Your giving to DMC music supports the efforts of stellar faculty as they retain local talent in our community & attract great people.
Del Mar College Music Program
Support Del Mar art majors! These out-of-the-box free-thinking, hard workers will creatively help make the world a better, more beautiful place.
Del Mar College Art Program
The annual welding competition event sponsorship page which supports the DMC welding program, students & instructors. Your support is vital.
2023 Welding Competition Event
We believe in giving back and want our kids to grow up doing the same. Our family committed to funding an endowed scholarship. This page is the opportunity for others to join us easily.
Busby Family Scholarship
More than 3 million US college students per year drop out for a financial crisis of less than $500 often $25 to $50! Please donate now to help DMC students stay in school. Our community needs a trained workforce.
Emergency Aid Main Giving Page
Mary Lou helped make the DMC Foundation run smoothly and was a rock of support behind its success for 18 yrs. Upon retiring, board members and colleagues donated in her honor. So can you.
Mary Lou Whittington Scholarship
Help us fund the Richard King High School Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship at Del Mar College. We want to pay it forward to current King High School graduates who need a bit of help to move forward and join us in our King High School community.
King High School 1974 Scholarship
Your donation today honors Claudia Jackson and her 42 years of service to Del Mar College and our community. Claudia’s entire career has been about service, and your donation helps Del Mar College Students achieve their goals of contributing to our community.
Claudia Jackson Scholarship
President’s Council includes local individuals & businesses committed to education excellence and the value Del Mar College has on the local workforce, community and in student’s lives. It provides a unique leadership giving opportunity.
President's Council MembershipPage last updated December 18, 2023.