Library Policies

Library Policies

  • Code of Conduct

    The Del Mar College (DMC) Libraries are committed to providing library and learning support services, resources, and facilities of the highest quality. In order to create an environment that supports learning and the pursuit of knowledge, we seek to cultivate a culture of respect and courtesy wherein all library visitors and staff feel valued and can be productive.

    The DMC Libraries’ primary mission is to serve the academic community, which includes students, faculty and staff. In addition, the DMC Libraries are also open to the public. However, while the DMC Libraries seek to provide facilities and services accessible for all library users, in keeping with DMC’s academic mission, priority will be given to current DMC students and faculty.

    The Code of Conduct for Patrons (CCP) seeks to protect the rights of all library users and to cultivate an environment suitable for pursuit of academic activities. This CCP supplements existing College and Library policies and provides guidance for library users. Library users must ensure their use of library facilities, services, collections, and electronic resources does not infringe on or disrupt the work of others.

    Library users are responsible for being aware of and following library policies. This code applies to all library users including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and guests/visitors. Local conditions may vary from campus to campus.


    • Patrons should be respectful of library property including furniture, chairs, carrels, equipment, walls, etc., and refrain from actions that could soil or damage property.
    • Library entrances, exits, and aisles must remain clear of all personal items, including cords, backpacks, and other personal belongings.
    • When using couches, benches, and chairs that are intended for multiple persons, patrons should be aware and accommodating of other library users.


    • DMC Libraries are not responsible for patrons’ personal belongings. Library visitors should provide for the security of their personal belongings and should not leave them unattended even for a few minutes.
    • When resting, patrons should remain aware of their surroundings and personal items.
    • Items left unattended may be removed and sent to the Campus Lost and Found Office.


    • Community users are subject to the same policies as for students, faculty, and staff of DMC.
    • Some services, such as Interlibrary Loan, computer / STC use, and circulation of Reserve items are not available for community users.


    • Certain areas in DMC Libraries will be noisier than others. These areas include:
      • areas where there are service desks and library phones
      • areas with computers
      • areas designated for collaboration.
    • Other areas in DMC Libraries may be designated as quiet or silent study areas.


    • Cell phones and mobile devices should be set to vibrate or silent when entering the library.
    • Cell phones may be used in the library in most areas unless otherwise noted.
    • Cell phone usage in designated quiet or silent study areas is not allowed. We ask that library visitors needing to use the phone while in these areas please be respectful and considerate to those persons around them and move to a lobby or other area where they will not disturb those around them.
    • Patrons may be asked to move to another area or outside the library if their cell phone usage is disruptive to others.


    • Use of electronic equipment, including personal listening devices, and cellular phones, at a volume that is audible to others, is prohibited.
      • Mobile audio must be used with headphones, unless they are being used in a study room, where they must be used at a volume that does not disrupt others.
      • Headphones are available for checkout at the Library Service Desk, if needed.
    • Audio recording, videotaping, photography and other audio-visual recording of persons without their consent is not permitted.
    • Permission must be obtained from the Dean of Learning Resources office for any recording or photographing of the library for business or professional use.
      • Students may record or photograph within the library as appropriate and within aforementioned guidelines.


    • Drinks are permitted in the library in spill-proof containers, or in containers with secure lids.
    • Patrons are encouraged to be mindful of food they bring into the library. Strong odors may be disruptive to others. Greasy or sticky items may damage library materials. For these reasons, small prepackaged snack items are encouraged.
    • DMC Libraries reserve the right to ask any patron to remove food items that are disruptive to others or are overly messy, greasy, sticky, or otherwise have the potential of damaging library resources or furniture.
    • All trash should be disposed of in appropriate containers to maintain a clean learning environment.
    • Library patrons are responsible for cleaning up after themselves; however, any spills or messes should be reported to library staff so that appropriate action can be taken.



    • The library will close to all library patrons at posted times.
    • All patrons are expected to exit the library at these closing times with no exceptions.
      • While library staff may give verbal reminders shortly before closing, the absence of a reminder does not absolve patrons of the responsibility for exiting the library in a timely manner.
    • In order to facilitate the smooth closing of the library, library staff requests the following:
      • Patrons using computers must save and/or print 15 minutes prior to closing.
      • All items to be checked out or checked back in must be brought to the circulation desk 30 minutes prior to closing, including but not limited to laptops, headphones, dry erase markers, reserve materials, etc.
      • No items will be checked out 30 minutes prior to closing.
      • General assistance may be unavailable during the 15 minutes leading up to closing time.
      • All photocopying and scanning should be completed 15 minutes prior to closing.
      • No color print requests accepted 15 minutes before the library closes.

    All public computers automatically begin shutdown procedures, 15 min. to closing and copiers are turned off at this time. STC computers automatically shut off at closing time.


    • Children 12 and under MUST be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian and must be supervised at all times, unless attending a DMC sponsored course or event.
    • Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children. If parents refuse or are unable to control a disruptive child, a staff member may ask the family to leave. If the family refuses to leave, a staff member will summon campus security.
    • Library Staff cannot assume responsibility for supervision of unaccompanied children.


    • Bicycles are not allowed inside the library building.
    • Skateboards must be carried while in the building and stored out of the way of other patrons.




    Users engaged in activities that are illegal or that disrupt the work of other users, including the library staff, will be asked to stop the inappropriate behavior and may be asked to leave the premises. If necessary, the DMC Security/Police will be called to assist library staff. If the offense is determined to be of a serious enough nature, the user may be issued a criminal trespass and banned from the DMC Libraries.

    Library users should be respectful of the rights of others and refrain from engaging in disruptive activities. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Interfering with the normal use of the library by other patrons or interfering with the library employees and the performance of their duties.
    • Rudeness including loud and offensive language.
    • Unreasonable demands for service.
    • Being under the influence or in possession of controlled substances or alcohol.
    • Threatening or erratic behavior (behavior that endangers the safety and health of others).
    • Verbal or physical conflicts with other library users or library staff.
    • Sleeping on the floor or on top of tables is unacceptable.
    • Engaging in inappropriate behavior will cause participants to be subject to discipline based on the Standards of Student Conduct, other college polices, and state and federal law as appropriate.


    Any library employee can exercise the right to refuse service when confronted by a library user who is being disruptive or discourteous.

  • DMC Student ID Cards

    Del Mar College ID Cards are required for all DMC students, faculty and staff. DMC ID cards provide access to library services, including book & laptop checkouts, as well as other services across campus.

    • Students obtain IDs from the library as described in this policy.
    • Faculty and staff must contact the DMC Environmental Health and Safety office for assistance with IDs.

    DMC ID's on the Heritage Campus (Baldwin & Ayers) are obtained at the William F. White, Jr. Library. To schedule an appointment click HERE (select the Student ID Services option). Students may also call (361) 698-1310.

    DMC ID's at the Windward Campus (Airport & Old Brownsville) are obtained at Barth Learning Resources Center. For more information call (361) 698-1754.

    DMC ID's at Oso Creek Campus (Rodd Field & Yorktown) are obtained at the Oso Creek Campus Library. To schedule an appointment click HERE (select the Student ID Services option) or visit the kiosk at the Main Central Building. Students may also call (361) 698-1048 or visit the Library.

    Validation stickers can be issued at any campus, at any time, upon verification of enrollment.

    The first issued DMC ID card is free. Replacement cards are $5.00 for students.

    Students may obtain a DMC ID card by presenting a picture ID, such as a driver's license that matches DMC Registration Information and providing proof of enrollment. The name printed on the ID will match DMC Registration Information. Each semester, students must obtain a free validation sticker at any DMC campus library.

    Faculty and staff may obtain a DMC ID card and replacements from the Environmental Health and Safety office.  Please contact EH&S at (361) 698-1641 or visit their site for information about their hours and policies.

  • Circulation Policies

    Borrowing Privileges

    • Currently enrolled Del Mar College students, faculty, and staff may borrow books and other library materials using a DMC ID with current semester validation.
    • Visitors with a valid TexShare Member Library may borrow materials with a TexShare Card.  Visitors can obtain TexShare Cards from their TexShare participating college library or local public library.

    Loan Limits and Periods

    • Del Mar College students taking credit courses may check-out up to 15 books for two (2) week periods with one (1) renewal.
    • Del Mar College students may check-out videos for seven-day use. An overdue fine of $5.00 per day will be assessed for every day after the due date.
    • Del Mar College Faculty and Exempt Staff have semester check outs for most materials. All materials must be returned at the end of the semester.
    • Popular Reading materials have a two week check out, for students, faculty and staff.
    • Visitors with a TexShare card may check-out books for two (2) week periods with one (1) renewal.

    Returning materials

    Materials may be returned at the William F. White, Jr. Library on the Heritage Campus,  the Howard E. Barth Learning Resources Center at the Windward Campus or at the Oso Creek Campus Library.

    Overdue Materials/Fines

    • The libraries no longer charge fines for books returned late. We ask that you please be conscientious in your borrowing.
    • When library materials become twenty-eight (28) days late a hold is placed on the patron's library record. Students with holds on their records will not be allowed to register for the next semester nor will they be able to obtain transcripts until overdue materials are returned.
    • The library does charge an overdue fine of $5.00 per day on videos/DVDs/Blu-rays after the due date.

    Lost/Damaged Books

    If library items borrowed are lost or damaged, the borrower will be required to pay the cost of the damage or loss. However, if you pay for a lost item and later find it (within one year), you may return the book along with your receipt to the library and receive a refund.

    Guidelines for Distance Education and Dual Enrollment Students

    Online distance education students and students taking courses off-campus have access to books, serials, audiovisual materials, and other physical library resources.  DMC libraries will mail physical resources to students who meet the following criteria:

    1. Students must be taking only online, off-campus, or off-campus dual credit courses.
    2. Students must reside outside of the city limits of Corpus Christi.

    The checkout period for physical items mailed to distance education or dual credit students will be extended by one week to account for transit time. Library fines for overdue or lost materials will apply to items sent via mail. The student is responsible for mailing items back to the DMC libraries.

  • Student Use Computers


    Computers for student use are available at all locations during open hours. Library hours differ by location.

    • Heritage Campus, William F. White, Jr. Library, 1st, 3rd & 4th floors
    • Windward Campus, Barth Learning Resources Center
    • Oso Creek Campus Library


    NOTICE: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. The person using the equipment is liable for any infringement.

  • Reserve Policy

    The purpose of course reserves is to make materials available to students in a timely and equitable manner. The reserve collection mainly consists of course materials that aid students in completing their classes. Materials in these collections are assigned shortened loan periods and often require in-library use. One must be a currently enrolled Del Mar College (DMC) student or an employee of the college to check these items out. Students and employees may access reserve items at the service desks. Course reserves are treated as an extension of "fair use” copying under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the copyright codeFor further information on fair use, see Fair Use Guidelines for Reserve Material.


    • Faculty Members
    • Librarians
    • Administration
    • Library Staff
    • Campus Staff as Directed


    Any items that are part of the DMC Library collection or are part of an instructor's personal collection are generally eligible to be placed on reserve. The Library is not responsible for and will not replace lost or damaged personal copies.

    • Textbook: an instructor’s or departments copy of a textbook may be placed on reserve for a course or courses
      • For the libraries’ policy concerning textbooks refer to the Library Collection Development & Maintenance Guidelines.
    • Books
    • Articles
    • Class Notes & Study Guides
    • Sample Items
    • Audio Visual Materials
    • College Documents
    • Other personal materials
      • These must be legally obtained items.
    • Electronic Reserves (these items may be embedded into a Canvas course)
      • Digitized content from library print materials
      • Electronic journals
      • Books
      • Streaming media
      • May include publicly available content known as Open Educational Resources (OER), see OER LibGuide for more information.


    • Books or Media items borrowed from another library system
    • Workbooks or other consumables that are intended for one-time student use.
      • Consumables do not meet the “fair use” guidelines in terms of negatively effecting the potential market value.
      • Photocopies of pages from workbooks or other consumable
    • Faculty members personal consumables (printed exercises, coursework, or packets)
    • Items that do not meet “fair use” guidelines or without clear permission of the copyright holder

    For further information on fair use, see Fair Use Guidelines for Reserve Material.

    For more information on Library Reserves, see the Library Reserves LibGuide.


    If you have any questions about the reserve procedures call:

    • Heritage Campus: (361) 698-1310
    • WIndward Campus: (361) 698-1754
    • Oso Creek Campus: (361) 698-1048

    If you have any question about reserve policy contact:

    • Heritage Campus: Hope Beyer at: (361) 698-1382
    • Windward Campus: Lisa Muilenburg at: (361) 698-1742
    • Oso Creek Campus: Marissa Saenz at: (361) 698-3911

    Placing Course Materials on Reserve

    1. Library materials and personal copies of items may be placed on reserve for your students.

    2. Please indicate on the form the loan period you wish materials to have.

    • Two (2) hours (Room use only)
    • One (1) day
    • Two (2) day
    • Seven (7) days

    3. Please provide the following information along with the materials to be placed on reserve.

    • Instructor's name
    • Instructor ID (Must be in the library system)
    • Course number (Hist 1301)
    • Course name (US History to 1867)
    • Title of item to put on reserve
    • Call number (if item is DMC Library-owned)
    • Restrictions (Room Use Only)

    4. Please allow a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours for materials to be processed before sending students to the library to use the Item(s). Reserve materials are not processed on weekends. Materials submitted on Friday will not be available until Monday afternoon.

    5. A Del Mar College ID is needed before items can be placed on reserve. The library system uses your barcode to tie the materials to your name and courses.

    6. Reserve room materials are returned to faculty at the end of the semester. If you wish materials to be left on reserve for the next semester, please make a request prior to the last day of finals.

    7. If you have more questions please call Library Services at (361) 698-1310.

    Request Library Reserve Materials

  • Library Collection Development & Maintenance Guidelines

    In support of the Library’s mission, Library staff, working with instructional faculty, are responsible for selecting Library resources in the appropriate subject fields and in the most useful formats -- print, non-print, electronic, or other emerging formats. Library staff members budget, order, and process all Library materials. The Library notifies department chairs and their designees of funds allocated to support materials for their programs. Faculty submit recommendations for Library purchases. Librarians make additional recommendations for the departments and their program areas as assigned, for the reference collection, and enhancing areas of the collection that indirectly support the curriculum to provide for a well-rounded collection.

    A. Books and Audiovisual Media

    1. Selection Guidelines for Books and Audiovisual Media:

    a) Books and audiovisual media resources are selected according to the following priorities:

    i. Materials which directly meet student curricular needs, including required reading other than textbooks; required viewing, or listening; collateral reading, viewing, or listening; and material to support student papers, reports, and other projects, including those reference and bibliographical works which will facilitate finding and using these materials, with content at a level appropriate for Del Mar College students

    ii. Materials needed for faculty preparation of class instruction

    iii. Materials which round out the collection, permitting as much latitude as possible for students pursuing course-related inquiries on both current and historical subjects.

    iv. Materials for faculty development.

    v. Representative works of high caliber which might arouse intellectual curiosity, counteract parochialism, help to develop critical thinking and cultural appreciation, and stimulate use of resources for continuing education and personal development.

    vi. Leisure reading and viewing materials which are of literary, artistic or intellectual merit or interest.

    b) Books and audiovisual media resources are selected according to the following priorities:

    It is the general practice of Del Mar College Library not to purchase textbooks, as collecting textbooks falls outside the traditional mission of a library. Because textbook editions are updated frequently and the price of textbooks is frequently prohibitively expensive, adding them to the library collection would have a deleterious effect on the ability of the Library to provide other resources to support students and faculty. In addition, while the Library will generally purchase materials used as supplementary or required reading, listening, or viewing, class sets or large numbers of these materials will not be purchased. Theses, dissertations, and other materials freely available via the Internet are not added to the Library’s collection.  Other items that fall outside the mission of the Library are not added to the collection.  Individual exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. Faculty should contact the librarian liaison for their discipline with a request and justification for such an exception. The Librarian liaison will make a recommendation to the Dean of Learning Resources as to whether an exception should be granted.

    2. Deselection and Removal of Books and Audiovisual Media

    a) Materials may be removed from the collection for reasons including, but not limited to the following:

    i. Materials no longer meeting priorities for selection as listed in A 1 above

    ii. Materials in support of discontinued programs, courses, or course content

    iii. Unnecessary duplicate titles or titles duplicated by newer or similar content

    iv. Superseded editions or other materials deemed obsolete or out-of-date; obsolescence periods may vary by discipline

    v. Damaged or worn resources

    vi. Obsolete format

    vii. Lack of use

    viii. Other reasons consistent with community college or academic library best practices

    B. Periodicals

    Periodical resources, such as journals, magazines, and newspapers, represent a long-term investment since they are a continuing annual expense. Library faculty and staff and instructional faculty must work closely in the collecting of periodical resources. The periodicals collection of the Del Mar College libraries, like other library materials collections, is intended to support the curriculum being taught by the college. Because of the ongoing financial and storage commitment made by the library and because of the need to provide appropriate access to information available in periodicals, the decision to purchase a particular title requires more study and justification than the one-time purchase of an individual book or media title.

    1. Selection Guidelines for Periodicals

    a) Criteria for the purchase of periodicals include the priorities listed for books and audiovisual media in A.1 above and the following considerations:

    i. Availability of content in a full text database

    ii. Availability of indexing

    iii. Availability in a format which can cost effectively be supported by the Library

    iv. Potential return on investment based on cost and anticipated use

    2. Deselection Guidelines for Periodicals

    a) Elimination of periodical titles from the library collections may sometimes be necessary. Such eliminations may be based on many factors including those listed in A.2 above and the following considerations:

    i. The focus or level of the periodical changing since its original purchase to the extent the title is no longer appropriate to the libraries and/or curriculum.

    ii. The cost of the periodical becoming prohibitively expensive.

    iii. Availability in a format which can cost effectively be supported by the Library

    iv. The periodical being available elsewhere in the community or in an alternative format already in the library.

    v. The physical maintenance of the periodical becoming more problematic than its value to the curriculum it supports.

    vi. The publisher ceasing to publish the title

    vii. The department initially requesting the title no longer seeing the value of the title to the library collection.

    C. Preservation of Library Materials

    Periodical resources, such as journals, magazines, and newspapers, represent a long-term investment since they are a continuing annual expense. Library faculty and staff and instructional faculty must work closely in the collecting of periodical resources. The periodicals collection of the Del Mar College libraries, like other library materials collections, is intended to support the curriculum being taught by the college. Because of the ongoing financial and storage commitment made by the library and because of the need to provide appropriate access to information available in periodicals, the decision to purchase a particular title requires more study and justification than the one-time purchase of an individual book or media title.

    1. Books, Audiovisual Media, and Periodicals will be considered for replacement or preservation according to the following guidelines.

    a) Lost, damaged, and excessively worn materials may be replaced if the item is judged to have continuing value to the collection based on use and/or the selection priorities listed above.

    b) Replacement materials may be in a different format, a newer edition, or similar content newly published.

    c) Despite age and lack of use, a limited numbers of materials including periodicals may be retained permanently due to special considerations. Examples include items such as Del Mar College publications and materials of local or historic interest.

    d) In the event of a significant event damaging large portions of the library collection (weather disaster, fire, etc.), the library staff will follow all college procedures to minimize losses to the library collection. The selection priorities in A and B above will be used to assess priority for collection protection and collection replacement decisions.

    D. Reconsideration Procedure

    Materials in the library are selected to support the instructional and research needs of the college faculty, staff, and students. A person who wishes to request the reconsideration of library material must file a formal request for reconsideration using the library-provided online form. The request will be reviewed by a committee composed of the appropriate librarian subject liaison, the Head of Library Public Services, the Head of Library Technical Services and the Dean of Learning Resources. This committee is responsible for making the final decision.  Once a decision has been made, the committee will notify the respondent of the decision.

Page last updated February 26, 2025.

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(361) 698-1311 or (361) 698-1877


Heritage Campus
William F. White, Jr. Library

(361) 698-1310
View Hours

Windward Campus
Barth LRC

(361) 698-1754
View Hours

Oso Creek Campus Library
(361) 698-1048
View Hours

Del Mar College Libraries
101 Baldwin Blvd. 
Corpus Christi, TX 78404

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