Vikings Care

Vikings Care: Basic Needs Resources

Basic Needs Resources and Community Connections

Del Mar College recognizes that our students are impacted by life barriers that may jeopardize your academic and personal success, such as food, housing and utilities, child care, and clothing. These campus and community resources are intended to help eliminate those barriers and support our students so they can meet their academic goals!  

More information about these and other services can be obtained through our Student Engagement & Retention Office. Please visit with our Advocacy Specialists for more resources.

  • Childcare & Family

    Visit our Pregnant & Parenting Student page for additional resources!

    Financial Assistance for Parenting Students

    Additional Grant Funding through Financial Aid Services

    Phone: (361) 698-1293 | Website

    Students may submit a request for cost of attendance adjustment to include childcare expenses. If a student is receiving financial aid up to their Cost of Attendance they may submit a receipt for childcare expenses and their budget will increase, allowing them to request additional financial aid to help cover their childcare expenses. 

    Carl Perkins Child Care Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-1700 | WebsiteLocation: Windward Campus, Health Science 2, Rm. 134

    Childcare Scholarships

    Phone: (361) 698-1083

    The Del Mar College Center for Early Learning offers scholarships to assist with childcare costs. Scholarships are limited but sometimes available to eligible students. For more information, including waitlist information, please call the Center. 

    Community Action Corporation of South Texas

    Phone: (361) 664-0145 | Website

    Serving counties surrounding Nueces.  

    PEAOP Child Care Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-3931 | WebsiteLocation: Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 213

    Texas Workforce - Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend

    Phone: (361) 882-7491, Press 5 | Website

    This program provides support and subsidized child care services to eligible students - specifically for those who are searching for employment or attending school/participating in job training. Funding can be used at both on-campus and approved off-campus centers.  

    On-Campus Childcare Center

    Morris L. Lichtenstein Center for Early Learning

    Phone: (361) 698-1083 | WebsiteLocation: Heritage Campus

    On-Campus Support Services

    Private Nursing Facilities


    • Heritage Campus: Coming Soon!
    • Oso Creek Campus: STEM Bldg., Rm. 305 and Main Bldg. Library, Rm. 332
    • Windward Campus: Health Science Bldg. 3, Rm. 330

    Valdar's market

    Phone: (361) 698-1277 | Website Locations: Available on All Campuses

    At times, our pantry carries supplemental items for our parenting students, including diapers and formula. 

    Pregnant & Parenting Students' Rights

    Phone: (361) 698-1277 | Website

    Del Mar College is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students. See other parenting & family focused assistance on our Parenting Students website

    Off-Campus Support Services

    Hipp Hipp Hooray - Baby Closet

    Phone: (361) 991-2008 | Website

    Learn valuable information about pregnancy, baby and toddler development, plus other life skills in these online and in-person sessions! As you learn, you will earn points to redeem in the Baby Closet. 

    HOPES Project

    Phone: (361) 334-2876 | Website

    The HOPES Project provides free, basic needs support for expecting moms and caregivers of children ages 0-5 in Aransas, Bee, and Live Oak counties. They offer personalized support, parenting guidance, and connections to essential resources to help families thrive. 

    Off-Campus Facility Finders

    The following websites can assist in finding childcare providers that have available spots:

    Upwards (formerly Wee Care)

    Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend

    Phone: (361) 991-2008 | Website

    Students can participate in education classes and receive assistance for diapers, formula, nursing needs, and other items. 

    Texas WIC Benefits

    Phone: (800) 942-3678 | WebsiteLocation

    Additional Resources

    Additional resources for child care assistance and financial aid can be found at 211 Texas


    On-Campus Clothing Assistance

    Viking Career Closet

    Phone: (361) 698-2467 | Website

    Locations: Heritage Campus, Harvin Center, Rm. 208; Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 317

    Receive free, professional clothing items for interviews, internships, job fairs, the first day of work, and more (proof required)! DMC students and alumni can make an appointment to collect 4 free items from the Viking Career Closet (no renting/returning, yours to keep!). Clothing drives for non-career clothing items are held throughout the year! See our Career Development social media pages for upcoming events. 

    Off-Campus Clothing Assistance

    Catholic Charities

    Phone: (361) 884-0651 | Website

           Emergency Aid Program is to offer immediate assistance in emergency situations, providing food, clothing, utility and rent assistance, bus tokens, and other types of support to individuals in need, regardless of race, gender, or creed. Additionally, the program extends emergency aid to victims of natural disasters.

    Church Unlimited Westside Missions

    Website | Location: 3701 Mueller St., Corpus Christi, TX

    Service distributions are Wednesdays from 9AM-1PM and include food, clothing, hygiene products, and haircuts. 

    Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation

    Phone: (361) 814-2001

    Free clothing is available at the Community Trans Clothing Closet. Call for more information.

    mission 911

    Phone: (361) 882-0911 | Location: 911 Park Ave., Corpus Christi

    Salvation Army

    Phone: (361) 884-9497

    Contact the Social Service Department and complete an intake. You will receive a referral for additional assistance. 


    Student Emergency Aid

    DMC Foundation

    Phone: (361) 698-1317 | Website

    Del Mar College students who are currently experiencing an urgent, unexpected, and non-recurring financial emergency may apply for immediate assistance. The program is for current students enrolled in 6 credit hours or more. Emergency assistance is designed to be a temporary bridge for students experiencing unforeseen crisis and aid is not guaranteed. 

    Donate to Help!



    On-Campus Available assistance

    Del Mar Foundation Scholarship

    Phone: (361) 698-1317 | Website

    The Foundation Scholarship application is open February 1 - April 30 every year. 

    Free Application for Federal Student Aid


    Off-Campus available assistance

    Coastal Bend Community Foundation Scholarships


    Scholarships are available to students who graduated from high school in one of the following counties: Aransas, Bee, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, and Willacy. Previous academic performance is considered but is not the only deciding factor. 

    College for all Texans


    Learn about the various tuition exemptions, waivers, and other funding available for students in the state of Texas.

    Community Action Corporation of South Texas

    Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

    WebsitePhone: (361) 664-0145

    This program helps low-income families meet basic needs to help them focus on education and employment goals. After a family completes an assessment, a case manager will link them with resources to help with childcare, health care, and educational & employment opportunities. 

    Services are available for residents of Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kennedy, Kleberg, & San Patricio counties. 

    Foster Care/Adoption Tuition Waivers & Scholarships

    Website for State WaiverWebsite for Federal Voucher

    If you were in foster care or were adopted, you might be eligible for a state tuition waiver or federal education and training voucher (ETV). 

    Texas state exemptions & waivers


    Texas provides various programs that exempt or waive tuition, fees, and other expenses related to attending college. The chart available on the website identifies which programs are mandatory or optional

    Workforce Solutions

    Location: 520 N. Staples, Corpus Christi | Phone: (361) 882-7491

    To request assistance with books and/or tuition, students can complete a pre-screening application in-person. 

    Texas provide


    On-Campus Food Assistance

    Valdar's Market 

    (Formerly the Viking Food Pantry)

    Phone: (361) 698-1277 | Website 

    Locations: Heritage Campus, Harvin Center, Rm. 112; Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 213; Windward Campus, Coleman Center, Rm. 133

    Open to all students upon completion of the Referral Form. Eligible students are able to visit the pantry twice per month and receive up to 35 lbs. of food per visit. 

    Off-Campus Food Assistance

    Corpus Christi Food Bank

    Phone: (361) 887-6291 | Website | Location: 826 Krill St., Corpus Christi, TX

    Church Unlimited Westside Missions

    Website | Location: 3701 Mueller St., Corpus Christi, TX

    Service distributions are Wednesdays from 9AM-1PM and include food, clothing, hygiene products, and haircuts. 

    SNAP Food Benefits

    Phone: (361) 885-9924 | Website

    Metro Ministries

    Phone: (361) 887-0151 | Website

    Metro Ministries transforms the lives of thousands of individuals and families in the Coastal Bend by feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and building futures.

    Additional Resources

    Additional resources for Food Assistance can be found at 211 Texas.


    Healthcare Resources

    On-Campus Healthcare Assistance

    DMC Dental Hygiene Clinic

    Phone: (361) 698-2854 | WebsiteLocation: Windward Campus, Health Science 1, Rm. 125

    Dental hygiene services are offered at no cost. To schedule a qualifying appointment, call (361) 698-2854. 

    Off-Campus Healthcare Assistance (Free/Reduced Cost)

    Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation

    Phone: (361) 814-2001 | Website

    Compassionate Care Medical Clinic

    Phone: (361) 500-0122 | WebsiteLocation: 1660 S. Staples, Suite 100, Corpus Christi, TX 78404

    This clinic offers medical assistance for both insured and uninsured patients. Located in Six Points near the Del Mar College Heritage Campus. 

    Insurance Assistance

    Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Marketplace Navigators

    Phone: (361) 334-0369 | Website

    Navigators assist individuals applying for coverage through the Marketplace, Medicaid/CHIP enrollment, or referring to alternative healthcare options. Services are free & confidential. 

    Mission of Mercy

    Phone: (361) 883-5500 | Website

    Provides free healthcare to uninsured people. Services include medical care, prescription assistance, cooking classes, vaccinations, & more! 

    South Texas Family Planning Clinic


    Women's and Men's Health Services of the Coastal Bend


    Mental Health

    On-Campus Counseling and Mental Health Services

    Counseling Center

    Phone: (361) 698-1586 | Website

    Locations: Heritage Campus, Harvin Center, Rm. 233A; Windward Campus, Health Science 1, Rm. 262; Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 212

    Services include brief individual and couples counseling, outreach and prevention, and crisis debriefing. Group counseling is available, as needed. Counselors also conduct consultations and provide community referrals. 

    Schedule a Phone Consultation

    TAO - Therapy Assistance On-Line


    The DMC Counseling Center now offers self-help for mental and emotional well-being via TAO Connect! Anyone with a DMC email account may log in and use a slate of resiliency-strengthening and wellness-enhancement tools. TAO Connect can be accessed online or via the app. You can use TAO to help change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a positive direction. 

    Off-Campus and Self Help Resources

    Community Resources, Hotlines, and Educational Resources are available on our Counseling Center Self Help Resources page. 

    Additional Resources

    Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    If you are experiencing a crisis, please call or text 988

    Additional Resources

    Additional resources for Mental Health assistance can be found at 211 Texas.


    Del Mar College does not offer on-campus housing accommodations at this time.

    Off-Campus Housing Assistance

    Apartment Finder


    Housing Authority of Corpus Christi


    Low-cost housing for low to moderate income individuals. The link to apply for housing in Corpus Christi is

    Rent & Utilities Assistance

    Electric Service Assistance

    Phone: (361) 882-4193

    Provides assistance with electric bill payment. 

    Mission 911

    Phone: (361) 882-0911

    Provides financial assistance with utility bills. 

    Nueces County Dept. of Social Services

    Phone: (361) 767-2731 | Website

    Provides direct financial assistance for rent, electricity/utilities, food, and transportation. 

    Operation Heat Help

    Phone: (361) 826-6920 | Website

    This annual program (available until March 31, 2024) offers financial assistance to qualifying customers by covering up to $100 (per household) for the gas portion of their electricity bill from November 2023-February 2024. See website for qualifying details. 

    Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs


    Provides information to assist Texans who need help with rent and utilities. 

    Salvation Army

    Phone: (361) 884-9497 | Website

    Provides assistance for rent, mortgage, and utilities. 

    Shelters & Transitional Housing

    Corpus Christi Hope House

    Phone: (361) 852-2273 | Website

    Homeless prevention funding and shelter information. 

    Purple Door

    Phone: (361) 881-8888 | Website

    Emergency shelter for individuals currently in an unsafe environment. 

    Salvation Army

    Phone: (361) 884-9497

    Rapid rehousing, rental assistance, and shelter. 

    Furnishings & Household Items

    Salvation Army

    Phone: (361) 884-9497

    Upon completion of the intake form, referrals will be provided for assistance on household items. 


    On-Campus Job Placement

    Del Mar College Job Bank via Handshake

    Phone: (361) 698-2692 | Website

    List of on-campus student positions and the application portal. 

    Career Development

    Phone: (361) 698-2692 | Website 

    Locations: Heritage Campus, Harvin Center, Rm. 175; Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 317; Windward  Campus, Health Science 3, Rm. 208

    Career Counseling, resume preparation, practice interviews, job fairs, and career workshops.

    PEAOP Licensing & certification fee Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-3931 | WebsiteLocation: Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 213

    Off-Campus Job Placement

    Coastal Bend Help Wanted


    Coastal Compass Education & Career Resource Center

    Phone: (361) 906-0703 | Website | Location: 5301 Weber Rd.

    Monster Jobs


    Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend



    Family Services

    Family Law Line

    Phone: (800) 777-3247 | Website

    Free legal advice for situations involving divorce, child custody/visitation, child support, and orders of protection.

    Family Violence Legal Line

    Phone: (800) 347-4673 | Website

    Free legal advice for survivors of sexual abuse or family/dating violence, family law, divorce, child custody, and obtaining financial support. 

    Access & Visitation Hotline

    Phone: (866) 292-4636 | Website

    Free legal advice for child custody, visitation, paternity, and child support issues. 

    General Services

    Corpus Christi Bar Association

    Phone: (361) 883-4022 or (361) 883-3971

    Provides referrals to local attorneys. 

    Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid

    Phone: (361) 880-5410

    Provides free legal services. 


    Catholic Charities Immigration Services

    Phone: (361) 884-0651 | Website

    Provides consultation and assistance with immigration petitions, adjustment of status, naturalization/citizenship, replacement of Green Cards, temporary protected status, petitions under the Violence Against Women Act, U-Visa processing for victims of violent crimes, document translation, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) issues. 

    Sexual Assault

    Family Violence Legal Line

    Phone: (800) 347-4673 | Website

    Free legal advice for survivors of sexual abuse or family/dating violence, family law, divorce, child custody, and obtaining financial support. 

    Sexual Assault Legal Line

    Phone: (888) 296-7233 | Website

    Provides free legal advice for survivors of sexual abuse, family/dating violence.


    On-Campus Tax Filing Assistance

    Del Mar College Free Tax Assistance (VITA)

    Income Based, In-Person

    Website Location: Heritage Campus, Viking Hall, Room A142

    Services are available late January through April 15 (tax deadline). Visit website for eligibility and required documents. 

    Off-Campus Tax Filing Assistance

    Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

    Income Based, In-Person


    MyFree Taxes

    Income Based, On-Line


    Additional Resources


    Additional, free, filing assistance options.


    On-Campus Technology Services

    Computer Labs & FREE Printing

    Website | Locations: 

    • Heritage Campus: Harvin Center, Student Leadership Office; Venter's Bldg., Rm. 238 & Rm. 306; General Academic C, Rm. 117
    • Oso Creek Campus: Library, 2nd Floor, Student Leadership, Main Building, Rm. 227
    • Windward Campus: Coleman Center, Student HUB; Barth Learning Center; Academic Learning Center, Emerging Technology Bldg., Rm. 123A

    Laptop & Calculator Loan Program

    Phone: (361) 698-2234 | WebsiteLocation: Heritage Campus, Venter's Bldg., Rm. 306

    Students must complete an online request form at the Technology Resource Center, provide two forms of identification, and a current class schedule. Upon check-out, students are able to keep the equipment for three weeks.

    Software Access - FREE Microsoft 365


    In addition to Microsoft Outlook, students have access to a full suite of Microsoft apps through Microsoft 365, including free One Drive file storage, online and desktop Word, Excel, and Power Point (downloadable on up to five personal devices), and more! 

    Viking Helpdesk

    Phone: (361) 698-2330 | Website | Email:

    Central point of contact for all computer, software, and web related questions. 

    Wi-Fi Coverage for Students

    Phone: (361) 698-2330 | Website

    All DMC students have access to free Wi-Fi while on-campus. Visit the website for log-in information. Access is also available in parking lots and on the weekends. 

    Off-Campus Technology Services


    wi-Fi (Public Libraries)


    Local libraries offer Wi-Fi devices that can be checked out for free (2023 only). There are a few eligibility requirements but those can be found on their website. 


    On-Campus Textbook Assistance

    DMC Library Reserve


    Locations & Phone: Oso Creek Campus, Library, (361) 698-1048; Windward Campus, Barth Learning Resource Center, (361) 698-1754

    Textbooks are available for checkout and use in the library for a two-hour time period. 

    Math Learning Center 

    Math Textbooks Only

    Location: Heritage Campus, Coles Bldg., Rm. 117; Windward Campus, Health Science 1, Rm. 203

    Copies of most Math textbooks are available to use within the MLC. 

    Nursing Success Center 

    Nursing Textbooks Only

    Location: Windward Campus, Health Science Bldg. 1, Rm. 113

    Copies of Nursing textbooks are available to use within the NSC. 

    PEAOP textbook & supplies Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-3931 | WebsiteLocation: Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 213

    Off-Campus Textbook Assistance

    Book Rentals Through Retailers

    Some online retailers provide book rental services, sometimes at lower rates. Here are a few options to consider:
    • Amazon
    • Barnes & Noble
    • Chegg

    Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend

    Location: 520 N. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX | Phone: (361) 882-7491
    To request assistance with textbooks, students can complete a pre-screen application, in-person, at the Workforce Solutions office. 

    On-Campus Assistance

    Carl Perkins Transportation Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-1700 | WebsiteLocation: Windward Campus, Health Science 2, Rm. 134


    Phone: (361) 698-1835

    DMC automotive students repair vehicles for staff and students.  There is a $75 non-refundable diagnosis/repair fee that can be paid to our Business Office/Cashier's Office.

    PEAOP transportation Assistance

    Based on eligibility and available funding

    Phone: (361) 698-3931 | WebsiteLocation: Oso Creek Campus, Main Bldg., Rm. 213


    Auto Check


    This free program reads codes for "Check Engine" lights, providing information on needed repairs. To see test locations and dates, visit the website. 

    Corpus Christi Public Transportation


    Students can ride the bus for free with an updated Student ID sticker (available in the libraries on all campuses)! Visit the website for more information about riding the bus and an online trip planner. 

    FREE Tire Air

    • Discount Tire
    • Lowe's Home Improvement

    R.E.A.L. Inc. 

    Phone: (361) 668-5158 | Website

    Transportation is provided to residents of Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Live Oak, Refugio, and San Patricio counties for purposes including shopping, medical appointments, work, school, training, or grocery shopping. Fares depend on origin to destination. 

  • Veteran Services

    On-Campus Assistance

    Veterans Resource Centers

    Locations & Hours:

    • Heritage Campus: Harvin Center, Rm. 207 | Mon-Thurs, 0730-1800, Fri 0730-1300
    • Oso Creek Campus: Main Bldg., Rm. 225 | Mon-Thurs, 0730-1700, Fri 0730-1230
    • Windward Campus: Coleman Center, Rm. 107 | Mon-Thurs, 0730-1700, Fri 0730-1230

    The Veterans Resource Centers is for the exclusive use of veteran students. Services within the Centers include computers with Internet access, printer/copier/scanning capabilities, kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, coffee mess, and light snacks, and a big screen television with comfortable furniture to study or relax. 

    Off-Campus Assistance

    Job Placement

    Careers for Transitioning Military


    Veteran Laptop Loaner Program
    Location: La Retama Central Library (805 Comanche, Corpus Christi) | Phone: (361) 826-7055
    Veterans are able to borrow laptops for a four-hour period, at no charge, from 10AM-6PM Monday-Friday.

CARE Connection

Del Mar College's CARE Team assists students in any situation that could disrupt their academic, personal, and social well-being by removing barriers to student success through support services. Request a CARE Connection:

 CARE Connection

Can't find what you're looking for? Send us a message at

Additional services for DMC students can be found on our Current Students page.

Page last updated February 3, 2025.