Student Engagement and Retention

Student Engagement and Retention

The Department of Student Engagement Retention (SER) Services is part of the Division of Students Affairs and is under the direction of the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention. SER coordinates the efforts of multiple offices whose work involves support for students. These include Career Development, Student Leadership and Campus Life, Student Success CenterVeterans Services, Counseling Services, Access Services, and Advocacy Services.

In the spirit of providing our students a quality education, SER Office offers an appropriate array of support services and provides assistance to any student to identify options and resources to find a solution to their concerns and answer any questions.

The Office of the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention (SER) coordinates the Student Conduct Administration processes, serves as an advocate for students facing challenges to their success as students, and assist students in filing Student Complaints. We have staff ready to assist students, staff, faculty, family members, and community members with student issues and concerns.


Conflict Resolution Services

The Del Mar College Conflict Resolution on Campus program provides students an avenue to address and resolve interpersonal conflicts through free mediation and conflict resolution services to all Del Mar College students. For more information contact Lisa Leal-Garcia, Coordinator of Student Engagement and Retention at 361-698-1993 or email at

Student Complaints

To file a student complaint, students may contact the office for an in-person meeting with the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention to discuss the policies and procedures. If unable to come to campus, students may request a phone or online meeting. Complaint forms will be provided after the meeting to ensure proper tracking. The complaint procedures apply to full-time and part-time students, regardless of instructional modality (traditional face-to-face vs. distance learning).

Student Conduct

student conduct imageThe Office of SER strengthens personal responsibility and accountability through investigation and resolution of alleged violations of Del Mar College Standards of Student Conduct. The policy includes standards and procedures on Student Rights, Student Obligations and Responsibilities, Non-Scholastic Student Misconduct, and Student Scholastic Dishonesty. We encourage honesty, integrity, and respect within the Del Mar College community as promoted by the student code of conduct. We strive to help students recognize their mistakes and learn from them.


Discrimination & Harassment Complaint Policy for Students

Del Mar College is committed to an environment free of harassment and discrimination. Students who are victims of harassment and/or discrimination are encouraged to contact our office at 361-698-1277 or submit an online report to file a complaint and learn about services we provide.

File a complaint online: student complaint of discrimination or harassment

Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct

Del Mar College is committed to an environment free of sexual misconduct. Students who are victims of sexual violence are encouraged to contact our office at 361-698-1277 or submit an online report to file a complaint and learn about the services we provide.

File a complaint online: Student Complaint of Sexual Misconduct 

More Information: What to do if You're a Victim of Sexual Misconduct

Page last updated February 24, 2025.

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Rita Hernandez
Dean of Student Engagement and Retention

Dr. Elida De Leon
Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and Retention

Dr. Sara J. King
Director of Student Engagement and Retention

Lisa Leal-Garcia
Coordinator of Student Engagement and Retention

Tony Fetonte
Administrative Assistant II

Contact Information

Student Engagement and Retention
Harvin Center Room 204
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
(361) 698-1277
Fax: (361) 698-1599

Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5pm
Friday 7:30am-12:30pm

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