Camps and Academies

Camps and Academies

Del Mar College has opportunities to keep kids active this summer including the Viking Kids Camp programs, youth aquatics, music camps, TexPREP, and Technology camps.

Young students can have fun while continuing their education, exploring potential hobbies, learning how to swim, expanding their musical talents or get hands-on experience using high tech computer technology programs.

Viking Kids Camps

Our camps provide a fun opportunity for many children entering the grades of 1st - 8th to meet new friends and participate in a structured, informative, non-pressured academic environment.

Choose from a variety of courses, and join us as we have fun and continue to learn and grow!

Viking Kids Camp Information

Young Adult Camps

The Del Mar College Young Adult Camps are dedicated for students entering into grades 9th - 12th. The camp gives students access into a variety of extracurricular activities, including: culinary, theater, and photography.

Young adults will have an opportunity to learn a variety of recreational subjects, all while having fun with their fellow peers!

 Young Adult Camp info

Other camps & Academies

  • Youth Aquatics Program

    **Not Currently Available**

    Participants in this program will gain knowledge on the safety and recreational skills for aquatic activities.

  • Music camps

    Students in grades 7 through 12 who are interested in continuing their musical pursuits can have fun and meet new friends while attending All State Choir Camp, Summer Orchestra Program, or Viking Band Camp at Del Mar College.

  • Corpus Christi PREP (Prefreshman Engineering Program)

    Corpus Christi PREP is the local site of the Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program (TexPREP), which provides educational enrichment opportunities for high ability middle school and high school students interested in pursuing science-based careers.

  • Technology Camps

    **Not Currently Available**

    The Del Mar College Technology Camp is a creative summer camp designed for students in grades 3 through 8. Students have the opportunity to explore academic areas of computer programming, app creation, and computer animation in a structured, non-pressured academic environment.

Page last updated March 6, 2025.

Contact Information

Continuing Education
101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404

(361) 698-1328

3209 S. Staples St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78411